Let’s be honest… for black people, this isn’t the most shocking of a story. In fact, when you list out the numbers of feelings any given black person may feel when watching this story (including frustration, anger, and disappointment) you can add a sense of liberation to that list. Why? Because we know these conversations and words are used when behind closed doors, it just doesn’t get exposed enough. But let’s hone in on the the fact that these words were directed to high school black girls that believed they were expressing themselves in that moment that was accepted by those that surround. They lived through the world mourning the loss of black life and coming to terms that their lives matter through the lens of TV. They may have even started to believe that that to be true – that the benign role they play as high school athletes would shelter them from the realities of racism in America. Unfortunately, there is no safe space, age, sport, or activity that, as a black girl, you can escape to be free of racism.